Asset Searches Explained

Can We Find It?

What is an asset search and why would you need one?  What information will I receive when I do an asset search?  These are especially important questions when it comes to recovering money owed and it is one of C. Jackson Investigations, Inc. specialties.

What is an asset search?

Data-mining and searching the financial records and property status of an individual or business.

Why would you need one?  

There are many situations that require an asset search.  Those include, civil suits that result in a judgment rendered in your favor, divorces where one spouse is hiding assets from another, business partnership deals, and/or business purchases.

What will an asset search produce for me?

A basic asset search will generally reveal property ownership, business ownership, patents, trademarks, in some instances vehicles and/or watercraft, bankruptcies, and additional judgments or liens.

Are there other things you can find?

With a civil judgment we are able to dig deeper and data-mine for personal and business bank accounts.

What else should I know about asset searches and how much do they cost?

As with many things in private investigations it depends on how much they cost.  At C. Jackson Investigations, Inc. we tailor the asset search to your needs and budget.  And there are limits to asset searches.  If an individual is actively working to hide their assets by putting them in other people’s names it will be difficult to recover your money.  However, we can reveal when and to whom they transferred their assets to in many instances.  With that information you may be able, with the help of an attorney, to roll the assets back to your target individual and/or business.

What is the turn around time on an asset search?

Again that depends on what we are looking for.  Generally speaking we can turn a basic asset search around in 1 to 3 days.  Bank searches generally take 5 to 10 working days.

Can you help with a levy on a bank account or vehicle?

Absolutely.  The levy process is not one you want to take on by yourself with no experience.  A levy is extremely detailed and you only want a competent and thorough investigator to undertake the process.

Can you serve an individual for a debtor’s exam?

This can be one of the most important and sensitive service jobs we do.  Often times when a debtor (the person that owes you the money) knows they could be ordered to appear for a debtor’s exam they will usually hide and always deny they were served.  Not only are we experts in finding difficult to locate individuals, but we ensure through advanced covert video technology that the individual served has zero chance of denying they were served.  On a side note, a debtor’s exam is usually requested by the plaintiff’s attorney and is ordered by the court.  The debtor is required to reveal all of their assets during the hearing.  Any assets brought to the hearing can be seized by the court and provided to the plaintiff.  Failure to show up can result in jail time for the debtor.  You can see now why most debtors avoid being served for this type of exam.

Consultations are free so call us today at 949-892-5388.